Tuesday, November 29


Today has been one of those days where each individual thing has been good, but overall everything has been in a haze.  Just going through the motions of life without any deep emotions.  When I am stuck in that haze, I don't feel real or alive.

One thing today changed my whole day around.  One was a smile from a patient.  An elderly woman, confused beyond belief, in excruciating pain, just moaning and groaning unable to form words - she pulled me out of that haze and gave me life again.  She changed my day.  She suddenly stopped wrestling, stopped groaning, she looked me straight in the eyes and smiled wide from ear to ear.  Her face drew me in.  It allowed me to see her beauty, it allowed me to see her as the mother and grandmother that she is.  She is loved and cherished by her family.  Her smile brightened my day and allowed me to feel alive today.

I hopped in my car after my time at the hospital today.  Matthew West's - Give this Christmas Away was playing.  As I listened to the lyrics I saw more than just a Christmas song.  It brought me back to that woman and her smiling face.  She had the power to give me hope, she made a difference for me today.  Listening to this song all I could do was smile and understand the true beauty that lies in a smiling face.

What if I told you 
You have the power 
To give someone hope 
Beyond their wildest dreams 
What if I told you 
It's right there in your hands 
In your hands  SMILE

It's hard to imagine 
How something so small 
Can make all the difference 
Tear down the tallest wall 
What if December  life
Looked different this year 
What if we all just 

Give this Christmas SMILE away 
If there's love in your heart 
Don't let it stay there 
Give this Christmas SMILE away 
And your life will be changed 
By the gifts you receive 
When you give this Christmas SMILE away 

It's feeding the hungry 
Serving the poor 
It's telling the orphan 
You're not forgotten anymore 
It's doing what love does 
Even when no one's watching you 

Give this Christmas SMILE away 
If there's love in your heart 
Don't let it stay there 
Give this Christmas SMILE away 
And your life will be changed 
By the gifts you receive 
When you give this Christmas SMILE away 
For God so loved the world 
That He gave His only Son 
So we could be 
His hands, His feet, His love 
His love 

What if I told you 
You have the power 
To give someone hope 
Far beyond their wildest dreams 
What if December life
Looked different this year 
Yah what if we all just 

Give this Christmas SMILE away 
If there's love in your heart 
Don't let it stay there 

Please be the one to bring hope, extend love, and really be His hands and feet.  You have the power to be His love, all it takes is a simple smile on your beautiful face.  

You are truly beautiful! You bring light to the darkest of places.  You also bring light to the brightest of places.  Your joy and your tender heart lighten my life.  You encourage me to keep walking.  You spur me on to challenge myself to love deeper.  You are lovely. You are a reason to smile. 

Sunday, November 27



I want to go to Africa again.  I want to use the knowledge and gifts that He has given me.  I want to use the passions that He has placed in me.  Mostly I want to be used by Him.  The Lord places ideas in our minds and upon our hearts.  He uses His body, creation, and Word to speak to us.  This is compelling.  Act.  Have no fear, He placed passions and ideas in you.  He has given you specific joys and specific talents, use them. Go into the world and be who He has created you to be.  He will continue to fill you and continue to bless you.  You are young. You are able.  Now is the time, go. 

'For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.' 
Philippians 1:6 

He is faithful.  He is just.  He is true to His Word.  He is wonderful to His children. He blesses us in the most beautiful ways. 

'Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.' 
1 Thessalonians 5:24

Is there something that excites you?  Is there a dream you have that comes with a list of reasons you cannot complete it?  Is there something in your mind that would be incredible if it actually happened?  Make it happen.  Be proactive; ask, seek, and knock! 

He calls us and He will make it happen in His wonderful and beautiful timing.  Do not miss your call.  Do not ignore those tugs on your heart. Listen and act.  Take a risk.  Be changed by Him. 


'To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.'  2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12

Saturday, November 26

I am now a blogger.

Hey there friend.  

There are many things I am, as well as many that I am not.  This year I am learning to take risks, jump out, step in faith (which can be very hard for a person like me).  I am transforming more and more into who He made me to be.  I learning to believe in myself how He believes in me

Go and do it. 

I have always wanted to be a runner.  I have never been a runner.  I am a person who goes on runs, and I enjoy it.  This year I decided to become a runner.  I signed up for a half marathon and I started training.  While the race is still two weeks away, I am now a runner.  Redefined. 

Each stride is one step closer to becoming a runner. 

I have always wanted to be a writer.  I have never been a writer.  I was the student in high school whose teachers wrote, 'Come see me,' on papers.  This year I have been writing more.  I journal out my thoughts and prayers regularly.  I send long emails to friends explaining what He is teaching me.  I have first hand witnessed how healthy and fruitful writing is.  While this is only the first post, I am now a writer.  Redefined. 

She believed in herself, and changed her reality. 

I have always wanted to be known and be called beautiful.  I have never felt truly known or that kind of beautiful.  I have been the quiet and reserved girl.  The one that rarely wears make up and fashion...what's that? This year I have learned that I am known by the King of the Ages.  That I am truly beautiful, I am a daughter of the King made in His image.  He has given me a confidence to be myself.  I am more beautiful and less reserved each and everyday.  I accept and believe that He made me beautiful.  I am known and I am beautiful.  Redefined.

Her name is Blessing. She is beautiful and known. 

What is it that you have always wanted to be? Believe in yourself.  Believe in the one who lives in you.  He is powerful and mighty.  His Spirit lives in you, you are capable of all things through Him.  He knows your heart, He knows what it is you have always wanted to do.  Allow Him to help you achieve it.  Surrender your fears and insecurities.  Our God believes in you, I believe in you, what is stopping you from redefining yourself? Believe in yourself. 
You are capable of anything. Be confident in that.