Tuesday, July 17

He loves us so.

Dear Sweet daughter of mine, 

I love you with an everlasting love.  I see you.  I see your need and I am doing all I can to be the one to comfort you, guide you, and meet you in the middle of your need.  Slow down, wait for me to catch up to you.  You are walking too fast.  Live fully in each moment, wait for me in each moment.  Let us journey together.  Life is so much better when we face it hand in hand.  Thank you for loving on my children for me.  Let me love on you for a bit, for you are precious in my sight and I love you ever more.  Come, sit, and just be with me.  I long just to see you and be in your presence.  I love talking with you often, but nothing is better than truly being together.  I am looking forward to seeing you next already.  I love you my sweet sweet girl, 


Ps.  You will always have a special place in my heart and my lap is always reserved for you.  Come. 

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