Tuesday, January 10

Psalm 84:11-12

Holy cow.  No Good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.  Absolute truth, no Good thing.  Who decides what Good is? He is Good. He decides.  There have been so many times that I have not gotten what I wanted, or what I thought He wanted for me...why? Because He decides what Good is.  He is the author and orchestrator of my life, He knows my next step and knows every season.  Goodness God is mighty and powerful.  

The Lord is a sun and a shield.  He protects me from those things that my flesh say are good.  His Light reveals those places deep within me that hold my deepest desires.  He illuminates my darkness transforming me more and more into His image.  He shields me from things that are not beneficial for me.   God is so stinking good and more faithful than I could ever comprehend.  

How blessed is the man who trusts in You.  There are big things, and little things in this life.  There are the obvious and the confusing.  If I trust in Him I will live a life of thankfulness, without worry and minimal anxieties. God is faithful this I know and believe.  If He is truly faithful, and I believe His truths and Word - No Good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly AND The Lord is a sun and shield - how could I not have my complete trust in Him.  He has my best in mind, He will complete the work that He has began in me (Phil 1:6). God has it all covered.  In His perfect and beautiful timing I will see His glory.  

Because I am human many times I lack trust, I lack faith, and I do not always believe His truths.  The Lord gives grace and glory.  He extends grace to me.   The King of the universe extends grace to me...crazy I know.  I am blown away by His great love for me.  

This is so hard for me to comprehend:
1) He illuminates my heart and pursues my darkness to bring it to light.  
2)He protects me from anything that does not benefit me.  He protects me from being broken, damaged, and adding more scars to my heart. 
3) He gives me grace when I do not trust or when I fail.  He has done so much already, yet still He gives more. 
4) He does not withhold any Good thing from those who walk with Him. How is that even possible? Everything I receive is a gift from Him, even the denial of my hearts wants. He gives what is Good for me, and shields me from what is not. 
5) How blessed. Seriously though...how blessed are we?! 
6) Trust. Surrender and believe in His truths.  He knows you intimately.  He illuminates your heart, he shields your heart, He gives you what is Good...trust in His plan and that He will give according to what is Good.  

I am overwhelmed with thankfulness for our God. 

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